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How does Cash-out work?

What is it?

The term Cash Out is widely used in the world of sports betting, but not everyone knows what it means. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry, we’ll explain it to you:

Cash Out is an option offered by our platform to its users. In the world of sports betting, Cash Out is the act of closing a ticket before its conclusion. Thus, depending on what is happening in the match, the odds are recalculated, and depending on the bet, a value X is offered to close the ticket at that exact moment.

Still not understanding? See if our example can help:

A user placed a bet of $10 on Real Madrid’s victory and the game is already at 80 minutes (35 minutes into the second half) and the Merengue team still hasn’t managed to break the tie. In this scenario, the user can use Cash Out to close the bet before the game ends and guarantee a value, even if it’s lower than the bet, to reduce the potential loss that could come at the end of the match.

Don’t know how to do Cash Out? Click this link to access the article teaching how to do it.

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