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What is roll-over?


The roll-over is a wagering requirement that specifies how many times you need to bet the bonus amount before you can withdraw it. After fulfilling this condition, bonus credits can be transferred to the real wallet.

Why should I fulfill the roll-over?

The roll-over is essential for all betting platforms that offer bonuses and promotions because this rule was created as a way to protect players and the platform itself from potential scams and abuses involving bonuses. Therefore, the roll-over must be met whenever a user receives bonuses from the platform.

How does the roll-over work?

Firstly, it is important to remember that the roll-over applies to accounts that have received bonuses from the platform, whether through promotions or welcome bonuses.

The roll-over on our platform is divided into two categories: Casino and Sports, each of them having its own multiplier based on the value received in bonus credits.




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